Internal Medicine represents a branch of medicine that deals with the diagnosis and treatment of diseases not requiring surgery. Physicians specializing in internal medicine are called internists. The specialty of internal medicine is addressed to adults.

Meanwhile, internal medicine should combine information from other medical and surgical specialties, from imaging / functional exploration, and apply the best treatment to the patient.

Internists have the competence to solve complex diagnostic problems and monitor severe chronic diseases and poly pathological conditions. Specialists in this discipline diagnose and treat adults with respiratory, cardiac, digestive, renal, osteoarticular diseases, etc.

The internist may initiate or continue treatment for various conditionsThrough internal medicine we offer prevention services, contributing to the preventive medicine.
At the same time, the internist discusses with the patients the real and individual regimen and lifestyle options, for alleviating the symptoms of the disease and for improving the quality of life.

The Department of Internal Medicine within the AIS Medical Center provides the following specialized assessments

  1. Clinical Examination: general on apparatuses (measurement of vital functions: blood pressure, pulse, O2 saturation);
  2. Formulating a diagnostic plan and choosing the appropriate therapy for the condition;
  3. Paraclinical Examination:
  • blood analysis (biochemistry, hematology, immunology, electrolytes, etc.);
  • urine analysis;
  • imaging: radiography, MRI, CT, ecography;
  • electrocardiography ECG.

4. The basic principles of therapy will be:·

  • Treating the primary illness, if it has been identified;·
  • Careful observation of signs and symptoms, respectively their treatment;·
  • Supportive treatment;·
  • Using anti-inflammatory drugs when needed;·
  • Antibiotic therapy when required.

During the consultation, the internist performs:

  • Collecting the anamnesis (obtaining information about the patient’s illness, health complaints, the history of the disease);
  • Use of the objective examination methods (patient examination, including by touching the cavity – percussion, listening to the lungs – auscultation, probing organs – palpation;
  • Determination of examination by special methods (eg: laboratory, radiography);
  • Introducing information about the patient’s diagnosis and treatment in the medical record;
  • Determining the indications for hospitalization (for example, if surgery is needed);
  • Identifying risk factors for chronic diseases;
  • Registration of the medical leave;
  • Prescribing medicines, procedures and other remedial measures.
  1. Patients are referred to other medical specialties for health assessment.

The internist is one of the most sought-after medical professions. The internist conducts initial consultations in patients, prescribes treatment, and if necessary directs the patient to another specialist. If the patient does not know what physician to refer to, then they should start visiting an internist.